
What is causing testicular pain?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am 30 years old, unmarried. I am experiencing pain in my left testicle for the last 10 months, particularly the portion in my left testicle pains more. Sometimes the whole left side pains and masturbation gives relief. I had consulted an urologist and as per his advice, I took E-Dox (doxycycline) for 3 weeks (twice). The ultrasound examination too is fine. What do I do?

A:The pain in testicle or one half of scrotum may originate from variety of reasons. There could be local causes like varicocoele and other local scrotal pathologies, and there could be distant causes referring their pain to scrotum. These causes could be in prostate, lower ureter, in part of bladder or along nerves supplying scrotum. Even hernia or some pathology in the cord by which the scrotum is hanging may induce pain in the scrotum. You need to see a urologist for total work up. Further antibiotics certainly are not going to help you.