
What is cause and treatment for central serous retinopathy?

Dr Noshir Shroff
Shroff Eye Centre,

Q: I am 57 years old. For the past one month I am having problem in my left eye. I feel as if my left eye ball is being pushed backwards. Due to this I get pain in the eye and towards the forehead. I got my eye pressure checked thrice and the readings are - 15/17, 21/19 and 17/19. Last time when I went for the check-up my doctor told me that there is some deposit in the centre of my left eyeball, due to some leakage of fluid from the back of the eye. He termed this as CSR. For this he asked me to use FLUR eye drops 4 times a day in the left eye only and to have Nizer-D tab for the pain. I use glasses and my vision is 6/6. What is CSR? What can it lead to and what is the cured?

A:Central serous retinopathy is a condition affecting young - middle age group, the cause of which is unknown. Fluid/edema collects beneath the retina due to the development of a leak in the retinal pigment epithelial layer. Course of the disease is usually benign and 80% of times there is spontaneous resolution with visual recovery to near normal. Recurrence and chronicity is also a feature of this disease in which case the central vision does get affected.At 57 years of age, age related macular degeneration is the more common cause of collection of fluid at macula. You need to undergo a fundus fluorescein angiography to rule out this possibility.