
What is APML and is it curable?

Dr Dinesh Doval
Department of Medical Oncology,
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre,

Q: Three years back I was diagnosed with APML and underwent Dauna and Cytosine (3 cycles) with ATRA. I completed 1yr 9 mths with ATRA maintenance but it relapsed and I am on Arsenic. Is APML 100% curable? What are the chances of relapse again with Aresenox? What precautions do I need to take?

A:APML is one of the curable malignancies provided the patient achieves and maintains remission. The patient in question had attained remission and relapsed while on ATRA and has been started on Arsenic the response to which has to be seen in order to see the remission status of the patient presently.