
What is accommodative esotropia and how to treat it?

Dr Pradeep Sharma
Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Q: I have been wearing spectacles for short-sightedness since the age of 6. Recently, I have noticed that my eyes are crossing when I focus on something. This makes me look like I have lazy eyes, especially when taking a close-up photo without my glasses. My eyes are slightly bulging too and I have dark marks under my eyes. Is this a normal symptom caused by wearing spectacles for too long? Can it be treated? Please advise.

A:You seem to be having an accommodative esotropia, a condition which becomes better with glasses, but some cases have some squint despite glasses, such cases may require surgery in addition to glasses. A proper check up with a squint specialist is required.