
What happens if fluid in the mothers womb is less?

Dr Indira Hinduja
Consultant Gynaecologist & Obstetrician,
KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Q: My wife is pregnant and in the 28th week. Now the doctor has informed us after sonography, that baby's growth is not adequate and its weight is less than normal. Even the growth of some parts like brain is less than normal. He has advised her to take bed rest from now on. It was also told that fluid in the mothers womb is less. Now he has asked for a weekly check up. Nothing of the above was pointed out in earlier check ups. Kindly let us know if it means that to be born baby shall have any health complications either physical/mental. Can the medicines ensure birth of healthy baby? This is our first baby and wish to have no problems for baby and mother.

A:The fluid in the mothers womb is less. This condition is called oligohydramnios whereby the baby has less space to move. This can be manifested late during pregnancy. You need weekly check-up by your gynaecologist. Your wife should maintain daily fetal kick count. Colour doppler study can be helpful. Blood pressure should be checked every week. A malformation scan should be repeated. You should deliver in a good hospital with good neonatal care; for if the baby's weight at birth is less it can be well looked after.