
What food should I eat for piles with constipation?

Ms Arunima Saha
Nutrition Counsellor,
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals,

Q: I have been suffering from constipation for a couple of years but as it was not severe, I did not consult any doctor. I maintain a good health and have healthy eating habits. My weight is under control, am not suffering from any disease and I go for a morning walk daily and do mild indoor exercises for half an hour. My meals are as follows: bread along with a single egg omlette everyday, black tea twice daily, lunch is moderate and some times I take a bakery product for dinner. Three months back I noticed blood coming out along with stools. I consulted a doctor and he prescribed an antibiotic for five days and an aurvedic cream for internal application. The doctor diagnosed my symptoms as piles. I was advised to change my food habits. I take moderate food thrice in a day, which includes fresh fruits regularly after lunch and dinner and I drink 6-8 glasses of water. I do not understand the cause for the problem. I have avoided bread completely and have started taking porridge made of white oats for breakfast and lunch/dinner is devoid of spicy curries. The problem relapsed after three weeks inspite of the above care. On cosultation the doctor advised to repeat the same antibiotic and cream after which the problem disapperead. I am on a normal diet now i.e. with normal range of chillies in the curries etc. I am continuing with white oats break fast and haven't reduced the fresh fruits with lunch and dinner. But the abdominal gas and consipation persist. Kindly advise.

A:Please drink not less than 12-14 glasses of water daily as your problem is persistent, over and above that you can take tea/coffee. Preferably try to avoid coffee and the daily tea intake should also not exceed 2 cups. Always combine your breakfast with a bowl of fruits. If you feel acidity, take any one fruit in larger quantities. As far as fruit/salad intake is concerned, I will prefer that you always combine intake of these with a cereal like some puffed rice or atleast 2 biscuits. In other case, you may steam your salads and stew your fruits with cinnamon powder (1/2 pinch), sugar and water to avoid gas and acidity. Also start daily intake of 1 teaspoon of husk/Isabgol with 1/2 cup milk diluted and taken at night before sleep. Increase or decrease your dose according to how your body reacts.