
What does my semen analysis suggest?

Dr Ranjith Ramasamy
Clinical Associate in Urology,
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell University, USA

Q: I am a 28 years old married male, who underwent semen analysis. It showed semen volume of 3 ml, white in colour with high viscosity, total sperm count was 230 and normal sperm rate was 30%. What does my semen analysis suggest?

A:The semen analysis appears normal though motility seems to be on the lower side. You should be examined by a urologist for a varicocoele and you may warrant a scrotal ultrasound for this problem if it exists. You should practice sex every other day especially around the time of your wife’s ovulation date (usually 14 days after the first day of menstrual bleeding). Your wife should definitely be evaluated by a gynaecologist / infertility specialist.