
What does my semen analysis indicate?

Dr Pankaj N Maheshwari
Senior consultant & head of department, Urology,
Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital,

Q: I am a 29 years old male who recently underwent semen analysis, which showed sperm count – 102 million, rapid - 20%, Progressive - 20%, Slug - 20% and Non Motile - 50%. Can I father a child? I am taking Andro Gardin (two tablets) daily.

A:After going through your investigations I feel your semen counts are nearly normal with 102 million counts, 40% motility (20 rapid + 20 Progressive) is okay. There is no deterrent for achieving pregnancy from your side. Has your spouse been evaluated?

Has a varicocoele been ruled out in you? Continue with a regular sexual contact on alternate night between the 9th & 21st day of the cycle (the fertile period). Regular exercise, high protein diet and strict no to tobacco in any form is also very important.