
What does my lipid report mean?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am 58 years old and have been getting regular checks done ever since I crossed 50. Initially my lipid profile was bad, GGT in liver profile was high though all other tests relating to liver were normal (I drink alcohol regularly and have been doing so for about 25 years now). Sugar and blood pressure were high too and I am taking medicine (Semi-Glycigon and Ramistar H once a day). Sugar and blood pressure are both under control but pulse rate remains at 100-110. I never took any medicines to control my lipid profile but have been taking lauki juice for about 4 years. I got another set of tests done yesterday and I am worried about the following:

  1. Though the total cholesterol has gone up to 201 mg/dl, HDL has gone up from 49.5 to 82 mg/dl (normal range indicated 30-65, LDL 88.2, VLDL- 30.4). Why is my HDL level above the normal range and what are the implications?
  2. T3, T4 are normal but TSH is high (8.71). What do I need to do? Please guide.


    1. You should be happy with high HDL as this is good cholesterol and higher is better. Alcohol can increase HDL levels.
    2. High TSH with normal T4 and T3 suggests that you have minimal hypothyroidism. Get Anti-TPO done to know the cause of this but in view of diabetes and abnormal lipid profile I suggest you to start with Thyronorm 25 once a day early morning.
    3. Raised ESR is a non-specific test and can be due to many reasons. Get tuberculosis/rheumatoid arthritis ruled out.
    4. Your diet is fine. It will be good if you can take alcohol in moderations only.
    5. To reduce the risk of heart disease start with Ecospirin 75 mg and Atorvastatin 10 mg at bedtime.