
What does my kidney function test suggest?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 39 years old male suffering from diabetes for the last two years. Recently, my creatinine level has risen to 2.4 mg/dl. I underwent urine examination and other blood tests. Urine examination showed urine – acidic with 2-3 pus cells and calcium oxalate crystals – 6 – 7. Blood sugar – 86 mg/dl, S. uric acid - 6.2 mg/dl, cholesterol – 145 mg/dl, triglyceride – 110 mg/dl, HDL – 42 mg/dl, LDL – 81 mg/dl, VLDL cholesterol – 22 mg/dl. Kidney function test showed blood urea – 20 mg/dl, serum creatinine - 0.98 mg/dl, serum sodium – 139 mEq/L, serum potassium - 4.1 mEq/Land haemoglobin level - 12.8 g/dl. What does my kidney function test suggest?

A:It is noteworthy that your kidney function has become normal which is great news. This suggests that the increase in urea and creatinine was due to some transient infection etc. All your other reports are fine including blood glucose. Keep it up.