
What does my ECG report show?

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 30 years old man having occasional pain in my chest(near the heart). The doctor told me to get an ECG test done, which showed likely electrolyte imbalance, sinus rhythm. Please elaborate.

A:Unfortunately it is extremely difficult to comment on an ECG till one gets to view the ECG. In generic terms, certain electrolytes like potassium, calcium, magnesium etc. affect the contraction of the muscle fibers and are reflected in the ECG waves. Certain changes in the ECG waves are suggestive of increased quantities of electrolytes and certain other changes with reduced quantities of electrolytes and whenever the electrolyte balance is disturbed, these changes can be used to diagnose the condition. Fortunately they are easily treatable and have no longterm consequences. Sinus rhythm is the normal rhythm of the heart and therefore is a good thing.