
What does high white cell count indicate?

Dr Monica Mahajan
Associate Director,
Internal Medicine,
Max Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 33 years old woman who had flu with high temperature 104 degree F ten days back and was prescribed Azithral A 250 and Sumocold. Later it led to bronchitis and I was asked to take Zincocet A, Eofil Forte and Ivepred. But I still feel weakness. I have undergone complete blood count (CBC) test, which showed high level of leucocytes (10,600) and Seg. Neutron - 71%; ESR rate was 40 mms at the end of 1 hour. What does it indicate? Can I take some supplements to cure my weakness?

A:The mild leukocytosis or increase in white blood cell count, high ESR and neutrophil count indicate the probability of a bacterial infection. You have received antibiotics for the same. However, steroid (Ivepred) can also cause a mild increase in blood counts.

Take plenty of fluids and small frequent meals including fruits. You can take a vitamin supplement.