
What does high parathormone (PTH) level indicate?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 43 years old male. My PTH is very high, last time it was 497.2, though I do not find any major change in my health except pain in feet sole and dry skin. What should I do?

A:PTH hormone is released from parathyroid gland located behind thyroid gland. Its role is in maintaining calcium levels in body. High PTH means that one has hyperparathyroidism which in Indian scenario is commonly seen with vitamin D deficiency (secondary hyperparathyroidism). Other common cause is adenoma of parathyroid gland (primary hyperparathyroidism). In normal individuals, PTH level is rises whenever there is fall in calcium levels. You have provided only PTH levels which are insufficient to give a opinion and advice. I would suggest you to get calcium/PO4/Alkaline phosphatase, 24 hrs urinary calcium and 25 (OH) D levels for further advice. 25 (OH) D may be a costly test and, if not possible, send us the results of other tests first.