
What does a high platelet count indicate?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: What does it mean if the platelet volume is above the normal range?

A:The complete blood count (CBC) done on current haematology analysers generates a lot of data on various blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). This includes parameters like absolute number of a cell type, its volume, different fractions, etc. Platelets are blood cells that are responsible for the clotting of blood in case of injury. The average size of platelets in the blood is expressed as mean platelet volume (MPV). This parameter tends to increase in states when the bone marrow is producing more platelets than normal. In conditions where platelet production is hampered, the MPV is usually lower than normal. It is also used as a marker of platelet function because larger platelets contain more chemicals in them. Some studies have used MPV as a marker for vascular disease. It is reported to be raised in patients suffering from heart attacks or strokes and in conditions like diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia, smoking and renal artery stenosis. It is important to correlate the test result with the clinical profile of a patient as one treats an individual and not a test report.