
What do swollen lymph nodes behind ears indicate?

Dr (Prof) D Balakrishnan
Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai

Q: My 18 months old son has swollen lymph nodes just behind both his ears. The swelling seem to be painless and there is some fluid inside it, which oozes out when touched or pressed. My son is in teething and whenever any tooth is about to come he coughs and gets a running nose. While sleeping, he itches inside his ears and sometimes around neck below jaws. The paediatrician has suggested complete blood test and FNAC. The blood test reports increase in neutrophills and eosinophils and other test was negative to tuberculosis. However, we could not get FNAC done. Please suggest what could be the cause and what tests are required.

A:Such enlargement of the node behind the ear is usually due to an infection in the scalp. Your paediatrician is right in asking for an FNAC. It is a simple test and does not produce much pain - the procedure is just like an injection. A thin needle is inserted into the swelling and some fluid is withdrawn and tested under the microscope. I advise you to get it done straightaway and see your paediatrician with the result.