What do my blood and urine tests suggest?
Dr JB Dilawari
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK
Q: I am a 42 years old housewife suffering from stomach ache and retching for the last one month. I consulted a doctor who suggested me to undergo blood and urine tests. The tests showed globulin - 4.2 g/dl, haemoglobin - 10.7, lymphocytes - 41.6, SGPT - 94, SGOT - 114, HCT - 30.5, MCHC - 34.9, eosinophil - 0.3, RBC count - 3.76 and ESR – 41. What do my test results show?
A:You are anaemic with Hb 10.7. In addition the liver tests are not normal and the ESR is high. I do not see any urine results. A detailed history and physical examination is required. She may have some kind of infection. She should consult internist or gastroenterologist.