
What do my blood and urine tests suggest?

Dr JB Dilawari
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, UK
Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Glasgow University, Scotland, UK

Q: I am a 42 years old housewife suffering from stomach ache and retching for the last one month. I consulted a doctor who suggested me to undergo blood and urine tests. The tests showed globulin - 4.2 g/dl, haemoglobin - 10.7, lymphocytes - 41.6, SGPT - 94, SGOT - 114, HCT - 30.5, MCHC - 34.9, eosinophil - 0.3, RBC count - 3.76 and ESR – 41. What do my test results show?

A:You are anaemic with Hb 10.7. In addition the liver tests are not normal and the ESR is high. I do not see any urine results. A detailed history and physical examination is required. She may have some kind of infection. She should consult internist or gastroenterologist.