
What diet should a child have who has a stone in his ureter?

Dr Anurag Krishna
Director of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery,
Max Institute of Paediatrics,
Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi

Q: My elder child is 5.6yrs of age. Two days back he suddenly started crying and was complaining of stomach ache. We immediately took him to the doctor who suggested an ultrasound right away. The report said that he is having a 4mm sized calculus in his left ureter in the region of left pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ). We were advised to give him plenty of fluids and medicines have been prescribed. Can you please tell me if we are going on the right track? What are the consequences and what diet should I give him?

A:The advice you have received is appropriate. Stones this size will usually pass out. When they move, they will cause pain and sometimes blood in urine. If they grow and get stuck they will require removal. Your child should take plenty of liquids in any form. That helps flush out the stones. This also prevents further precipitation of stone-forming crystals. By and large, there are no specific dietary restrictions.