What causes recurrent skin infections?
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Q: I have noticed that for the last few months I am having frequent infections. Last year a small cut on my finger developed into an infection with pus. Then early this year there was a skin infection (with pus) on my leg which required 5 days of antibiotics to heal. My stomach too does not feel normal and now I am down with amoebiasis for the last 15 days. The doctor has prescribed antibiotics for 10 days. I have also noticed that my feet get cold if I leave them bare for a short while. This is happening for last two months. I am otherwise a healthy person of 27 years of age. Both my parents suffer from high blood pressure. Please tell me what can be the cause of all this? Thanks, Deepak.
A:Recurrent skin infections may occur if one is a carrier of pus-forming bacteria. Trivial injuries, such as scratches, can lead to infection. It may be worth while checking for diabetes, since this disease increases the risk of developing infections. Frequent showers with an antibacterial soap or cream, and the use of a clean towel, can help. Avoid tight or dirty clothes, especially when sweating, and wash hands often. Cold feet suggest a poor circulation, and adequate exercise is essential. Also, great care is needed when cutting toe nails to avoid damaging the skin. Amoebiasis is a separate issue, and this problem needs to be thoroughly taken care of with an antibiotic course and appropriate follow-up tests.