What causes rectal bleeding?
Consultant Surgeon,
Q: I am a 22 yr old male. Last year I had a severe problem of piles. A lot of blood used to pass daily. I consulted a doctor and then after taking some drugs, the problem was solved. But again after 2-3 months, some swelling formed around the anus. Its been around 8-9 months and since then the swelling has not reduced. There is no bleeding or pain. I also have chronic constipation and if I take isabgol or Omeprazole, the problem gets rectified. But again after 2-3 days constipation reccurs.
A:Rectal bleeding may be caused by PILES or FISSURES. Both these conditions result in the development of masses of swollen tissue around the anus: these masses are often called external piles. They remain after the initial problem has subsided. If the masses are otherwise asymptomatic, you may need no further treatment. Chronic constipation is usually caused by a faulty diet. Eat plenty of fiber in the food: vegetables, fruits; also drink more water. If the constipation persists, consult a gastroenterologist.