
What causes persistent joint pains after a viral fever?

Dr Monica Mahajan
Associate Director,
Internal Medicine,
Max Hospital, New Delhi

Q: My 72 years old mother had viral fever (similar to Chikungunya, however blood test was negative). Almost two months have gone but she still suffers from joint pain and disability. Our family doctor has told us that it will take time for joint pain to go after viral fever as her immunity has gone down. She is also suffering from osteoporosis, diabetes and hypertension and for the last one year, she is also suffering from urinary incontinence.

A:Post viral polyarthralgias are due to an immune mechanism wherein the joints are attacked even after the viral episode is over. It is taking people anywhere from 3 to 6 months for the symptoms to start improving. There may be associated muscle pains, fatigue and hair loss. In your mother's case, since she is diabetic it is advisable to avoid NSAID group of painkillers as they may cause damage to the kidney. However, paracetamol maybe used for pain management.

She may also be given calcirol or vitamin D supplementation sachets once a week for six weeks and then once a month since she has associated osteoporosis. Hydroxychloroquine is a medication being used with good results in this patients - it does not act like a painkiller but acts on the immune process in these joint pains. Try physiotherapy.