
What causes itching in the perianal area ?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have strong itching on the skin just outside the anal opening for the past one year. I get this itching almost everyday at around 8-9 PM. While its a good feeling when I rub to an extent, it has a burning sensation if I rub little more. Rarely I get the itching both in the morning and night. The physical observation on the spot is a little redness. Just for your information, I was operated for piles about 3 years ago by lasceroscopy. I am working in a computer company and I sit all through the day, though I try to drink about 3 litres of water and go to bath room frequently, just to increase my physical activity. Please advice whether I can use Itchguard or any other medicine. What is the cause for this? I feel shy to go to a doctor and explain and show.

A:First and foremost, you should not be shy to go to the doctor and get your self examined. Some of the common causes of itching in the perianal area are: 1. Thread worm infestation 2. Irritation by faecal contents leaking from the anus 3. Seborrheic dermatitis 4. Allergy to local medicaments 5. Perianal warts, etc.Let your doctor examine you, arrive at the probable diagnosis and suggest the medication.