
What can be the cause of cysts around the testicles?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am a 30 years old unmarried man who has developed cysts around the testis 9 years back. The doctor has given me some medicines and told me that if it is not cured by medicine, minor surgery is required. Another doctor told me that if size of the cysts increase, only then will I need surgery. What are the causes of cysts? What should I do?

A:Clinically "cyst" is a very vague term. A cyst is collection of fluid in a area. Small cysts in epididymis, a part close to testis, may develop without any disease as part of the developmental defect, and are called congenital in development. There are many acquired cystic structure in this area mimicking the congenital harmless cysts, like sebaceous cysts in skin, spermatocele in the cord and some other developmental cysts like dermoid cysts in midline. A chronic inflammation with collection may also give cystic appearance. Some tumours also may also be cystic in nature. Commonest swelling of the scrotum is "hydrocele", a fluid collection around the testis, which is also a cyst theoretically. Your doctor would be able to label the cause in your case after physical examination and investigations, and advise you accordingly.