What can be done to treat overlapping teeth in children?
Senior Research Officer,
Department of Dental Surgery,
New Delhi
Q: My 10 years old daughter has a problem of under bite - the teeth of her lower jaw overlaps the upper row. I consulted two dentists and they gave varied opinions from wearing caps to surgery after 19 if necessary. Besides this, they say the cap gives no guarantee of curbing growth. I am totally confused and would like to know the best treatment possible and the hospitals which have advanced facilities in dentistry?
A:It is true that this condition may not respond to traditional chin cup treatment at the age of 10 years. But I can suggest you consult an orthodontist, preferably in a dental institution and get her evaluated for growth status. There is one more modality by the name of functional appliances, but it also has specific indications for use. Surgery may also be performed on such patients for mandibular correction. The most important part is to analyse the present situation and study the growth pattern. Therefore you are advised to show her in a dental college in Orthodontics department.