What are the various causes of wrist pain?
Professor of Neurology,
GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I am 36 years old and have a 6-year-old daughter. Last year I got pain in my wrists. I consulted a doctor, who said that this could be due to riding a two-wheeler, as I would have bumped into a pothole, which would have caused a ligament to tear. He treated me with a bandage and some tablets. I was ok for almost a year. But the problem has begun again. What could be the reason? The pain increases at nigh. Please advise.
A:Your complaints are rather non-specific. For example, it is not clear what do you mean by pain in the wrist/hands. Does it involve whole hand / entire wrist? What about palms and dorsum of hand? Are fingers involved or not? Three types of specialists can tackle your problems:1. Orthopaedic surgeon: if the problem arises from the wrist joint only. It should give you pain while moving your wrist joint.2. Rheumatologist: if there is swelling in and around the wrist joint and in the morning, the joint appears stiff for half an hour or so.3. Neurologist: if the pain has pins and needle quality/burning quality and occurs in the distribution of thumb, index and middle fingers. This can be due to entrapment of median nerve and can occur on both hands. This pain characteristically increases during sleep in the night and is more common in women of your age and happens commonly in the setting of pregnancy, obesity and low thyroid function states.From the above discussion, you may get a fair idea of how to approach your problem and seek the opinion of appropriate specialist.