
What are the side effects of gardenal?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My three year old child fell down from the staircase and the neurologist prescribed Gardenal tablet along with some other medicine. I belive Gardenal is a sedative and therefore could you please advice me any side effect on using this pills?

A:Gardenal is a brand name that contains a medicine called phenobarbitone. It belongs to barbiturate group of medicines. It appears that the child has suffered head injury of some sort and the medicine might have been given to stop seizures (fits). I suppose it has been given for a shortperiod.Phenobarbitone is a sedative and hypnotic. Its main side effect is drowsiness. So one has to be careful that the child is well looked after particularly while cycling, near water, fire etc.