
What are the side effects of Cochlear Implant ?

Dr Ajit Man Singh
Senior Consultant ENT & Head and Neck Surgery,
Max Healthcare,
New Delhi

Q: What are the side effects of Cochlear Implant in a 11 year old girl? I came to know that cochlear implant has some side effects like meningitis and all. Is it advisable to go for a cochlear implant? We have decided to go for Nucleus Contour Cochlear Implant. Kindly comment, waiting for your reply.

A:How have you decided to go for a cochlear implant - does the girl have a bilateral deafness which is not helped by hearing aids? Where are you having it done and by whom? Has adequate testing been done? Is the person experienced? If the hearing with the best of aids is not adequate 50-60dB, and she is a candidate for an implant, then you should go ahead. Meningitis is a described complication with whichever type of implant you use, but in a very small percentage of patients. The operative technique used by the people using the medel implant is easier, with less side effects than that being used by the cochlear one. But both techniques can be interchanged. If you feel the need for a second opinion, you may contact me through NDTV irrespective of who does which implant.