
What are the recent developments in diabetes?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: What are the recent developments in the medical world with respect to diabetes?

A:Diabetes is an area where research is taking place in all aspects of the disease and newer developments include:

  • In normal individuals there is continuous release of insulin from pancreas, which is very small in amount. To this effect now we have basal insulins, which have 24 hours profile and can be given as basal insulins. Examples; Detemir and Glargine.
  • Inhaled insulin was approved by US FDA in March 2006 and it will be available in India very soon. With this the patients will not need injectable insulins as bolus but will need at least one shot on insulin as basal.
  • One GLP 1 analog which helps in controlling post prandial sugar is available in Indian markets w.e.f. last month.
  • Islet cell transplantation is being done in a few centers.
  • Very soon blood glucose monitoring systems that sense through skin will be available and patientw will not needing any pricks.
  • Research is in the final phase for development of insulin pumps systems, which will sense blood glucose levels and release insulin accordingly
  • .Diabetes is an area where research is taking place in all aspects. To keep yourself updated, you can register in the diabetes division of Medscape which is a site with updates on newer aspects of diabetes.