
What are the reasons for persistent itching?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I have been suffering from itching for quite some time now. It basically starts off as needle pricks and spreads all over and is a major cause for concern. I have also noticed that its not something perennial and happens only during a few months. It is more pronounced when I am exposed to direct sunlight and dust. I found out the dust allergy when I was sweeping the house and the itching was uncontrollable. I have taken Cyproheptadine, Cetrazine and Allegra but the relief is minimal. Allegra is ok but the others did not really help. Please presribe the medication. The dermatologist says that there is nothing wrong and also says that it could be because of dry skin.

A:There are numerous causes of itch. I can only guess what you have. If you are allergic to dust etc, then you will certainly develop allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis. Otherwise it is your myth. For dry skin, you may use moisturisers etc. Allegra is a good antihistaminic and you may continue to use. Probably you need proper investigations of blood, urine and stool, along with detailed history to exactly find out the cause. If the cause is not treatable, then probably you need to continue what you are doing. A consultation with a dermatologist may do the trick.