
What are the precautions to prevent SARS?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: I stay in US but presently am in Delhi visiting my parents. I am here with my 7 month old daughter. I am returning to US this week and I am worried about SARS. Can you suggest me any precautions I can take for my daughter and myself as its a long journey.

A:There are no specific precautions against SARS, and the same measures that apply in epidemics of colds and flu should be taken. Thus, minimizing exposures to crowded rooms, and careful courtesies with coughers and sneezers are appropriate. Such people should be reminded to cover their nose and mouth or wear a mask and they should not shake hands or kiss. Wearing a mask may help the healthy, as would plenty of rest, the use of vitamins and eating moderately meals at regular intervals without alcohol.