
What are the implications of a single kidney?

Dr Vijay Kher
Department of Nephrology and Kidney transplant Medicine,
Fortis Kidney and Urology Institute,
Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have a single kidney by birth. From childhood till date, my activities have been that of a normal person. My diet is also normal. I got married last year. After six months of my wedding, I got severe pain in my waist and went for a check up. I have a right kidney, which is in normal location. It is slightly larger in size (14.2 cm) and shows prompt excretion and good concentration. Pelvicalyceal system and right ureter is normal. My report said that the spleen is slightly small in size. A hypoechoic area (22*7 mm) is seen in subcapsular region. What is the function of the spleen? Will there be a problem in lieu of the single kidney? What should be my routine life? What should be my diet?

A:One in 5000 persons are born with a single kidney. Persons with single normal kidney live as well as those with two kidneys. You should eat and be normal, as you have done so far.Hypoechoic area in spleen might need further investigations. You should see a physician / Gastroenterologist.