
What are the features of tuberculous osteomyelitis?

Dr Shital Parikh
Assistant Professor, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center,

Q: Please list the symptoms of Joint & Bone TB, is it a sexually transmitted disease, is it curable and how can an accident to the back vetebrae develop into TB and can joint & bone TB be detected by x-ray of the painful joint (In my case it is left hip joint)? What are the scientific methods of diagonising Joint & Bone TB ?

A:Tuberculous osteomyelitis (T.O.) is not sexually transmitted but any injury can lead to superinfection with development of TO. The signs and symptoms are pain, abscess (swelling if the joint is superficial), difficulty in movement of the joint, and all other signs of TB (fever, weight loss, night sweats etc). Depending on the stage of the lesion, it can be diagnosed on X-rays, though higher imaging studies may be required. The best confirmation of diagnosis is biopsy though lab values can be of help. The treatment consists of antituberculous drugs, atleast for 9 months, and sometimes even more. In case of abscess, surgical debridement may be required.