What are the exercises for weight loss?
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: I am 5 feet 7 inches and weigh 75 kgs. I have fat on my hips. I walk 6kms daily in 1hr but am unable to reduce. Please suggest me exercises to reduce fat on my hips.
A:Your specific weight loss from your buttocks depends on a number of factors. If you have a parent/grandparent who has big hips, it is likely that you will have a tendency to have the same, because fat deposition largely depends on your genes. However, you can make a difference and you are in the right direction. Regular exercise, healthy eating and an active lifestyle will take a chunk of weight off your shoulders - uh hips!! Your 4 pronged plan for losing excess weight anywhere:1. Aerobics:To rid of any excess weight, you need to work on building your heart-lung cardiovascular) endurance. Take up any activity from cycling to running or jogging to skiing to swimming to even brisk walking to get that gut into its original size. This kind of activity will draw upon the fat stores in the body for generating fuel to last that long. The presence of oxygen (controlled breathing during this workout, instead of huffing and puffing) will mobilize the fat to get utilized instead of stored. This will take care of the fat that lies ABOVE THE muscles in the abdominal area. No amount of crunches by themselves will do this. Thankfully, any aerobic activity that elevates your heart rate can help you burn fat and take off unwanted pounds. Many experts recommend doing at least three sessions of 20 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Ideally, for long-term weight control, you should engage in at least four sessions per week, for 45 minutes each time.2. Weight Training:The key here is to adopt an overall weight training program so that the lean mass percentage in the entire body increases. Balance your ab crunches and leg lifts with an equal amount of effort for the lower back to ensure it is not weak. Work out the rest of the body for the best results. And of course, concentrate on technique and quality of your exercises rather than going for higher repetitions, without any form. And remember, exercises such as these, only improve the tone and endurance of the muscles, they dont burn fat. Along with that you can do some lunges, squates (without weights), some leg presses and some leg lifts. These can be done on different days but make sure you leave a gap of 48 hours between these exercises and importantly, you should balance your body strength by doing exercises for the entire body muscles.3. FlexibilityEnsure that you stretch the muscles after the workout, so that they retain their elasticity and keep you supple.4. Healthy diet spread through the day, not night Eating the right food out of habit rather than as a fad, can work wonders for an extra middle. Keep the calories light and spread out through the day rather than bunching them all at night and then sleeping on it, when the bodys metabolic rate is the slowest.