
What are the effects of sickle cell anaemia during pregnancy?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: I want to known in detail about the effects of sickle cell anaemia during pregnancy and possible treatment?

A:Till the recent past pregnancy was discouraged as pregnant patients with sickle cell disease are at an increased risk for crisis, pregnancy induced hypertension, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis, and spontaneous abortion compared to the general population. Hypertension is the most common complication during pregnancy and nearly 20% of the pregnancies may lead to preterm deliveries and infants that are small for gestational age. Prenatal care requires a team (obstetrician, physician, haematologist and nutritionist). Close monitoring, prompt diagnosis and aggressive treatment of complications during the prenatal and neonatal period is needed as patients may require prophylactic transfusion and folic acid supplements to decrease the incidence of vasoocclusive crisis. You need to discuss with your obstetrician all the details. The following website may also help: