
What are the dietary guidelines for diabetics?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: In a diet chart for diabetes, the sugar has to be completely avoided. But nowadays, doctors say that one can eat anything, including sweets/sugar in tea or coffee. Only thing required is to check calorie amount i.e. nearly 2000 calories/day. What should we do if sugar level drops suddenly to 80 to 90 from 140-150? Does the body require sugar at that time? Please advise. If I don't take any thing for 3-4 hours, the sugar level drops to 80-100.

A:Following are the guidelines for diet therapy (Medical Nutrition Treatment) in diabetic patients.1. Diabetic diet is basically a healthy diet and can be followed by any body.2. Diet therapy is individualized depending upon weight, height, life style and presence of complications.3. Diet plan consists of frequent and small meals i.e., three major meals and in between small snacks.4. Dietary items should be consumed as per the diet pyramid i.e., max amount of carbohydrates followed by fruits and vegetables, proteins and fat and minimum (only occasionally) sweets, ice cream etc. If patient has a good control then on few occasions he can have break from the standard diet. Green salad etc are free foods and can be consumed in any quantity.5. One should consume some food in case blood glucose falls below 60-70 mg.