
What are the consequences of missing heart beats?

Dr U Kaul
Director of Cardiology,
Fortis Group of Hospitals,
Noida and New Delhi

Q: I am a female, 53 years old and had my hysterectomy done about 5 years ago. Recently I noticed my heart is thumping during nights and I wake up suddenly. The heart beat is very high and I feel that it may stop at any time. My family doctor conducted some investigations and he told me that the ECG shows some missing beats. The other test results are as follows: Plasma Glucose (fasting)-127 mg/dl and Plasma Glucose (Post Prandial)- 155 mg/dl. Cholesterol -246 mg/dl; LDL Cholesterol -171 mg/dl. The BP varies between 150/90 to 130/80. ECG-Sinus Rhythm, HR 53/mn, Atrial Premature complexes(+), Otherwise (N) study. My family doctor suggested some diet and exercise programs and indicated to repeat the investigations after one month or so. My questions are: what are the consequences of missing beats and how to treat them? Is there any relation between heart thumping and high glucose levels?

A:The kind of missing beats which you are describing are generally benign and need no specific attention. However, you need an echocardiography and a stress test to look for your cardiac function and response to exercise. Your Blood sugars are only marginally elevated and in this situation a blood test called Glycosylated haemoglobin is useful to find the average sugar level of last few months. Your LDL cholesterol level (bad cholesterol) is very high and for sure needs drug treatment for a long term. Statin group of drugs are very safe, effective and very well tolerated.You must consult your treating doctor regarding my suggestions. Meanwhile, exercise programme and diet restriction is very important.