
What are the chances of recurrent hernia?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: I underwent a hernia surgery (left side) 7 months ago. I have heard that the chances of getting hernia on the other side is high if we got operated on one side. I would like to know whether there are chances that the right side will also get affected in a long run. If so what kind of efforts should be taken to take atmost care. Can I actively participate in sports?

A:A person with a hernia has an increased chance of getting one on the other side. I think the probability is as high as 15%. Some surgeons, therefore operate on the normal side as well, but they are in the minority. You should conduct your normal activities. Do not restrict sports activities on this account, and do not wear any hernia support. There is a very high chance that you will never develop a hernia. If it does occur, just get it operated.