What are the chances of improvement in my autistic son?
Advisor on Child Development & Education,
Q: I have a 5 years old autistic son. Currently, I am taking my son for all kinds of therapies - child development, paediatric, etc. I am quite regular with the behavioural therapy, but somehow, the improvement is very slow. At times, I get really frustrating wondering whether my son will get better or not. Will my son ever get normal like other kids? Will he be able to interact socially?
A:There is nothing wrong in your asking questions about your child. It is normal and to be expected. Autism is a condition with a wide range of variations. It is very difficult even for experts to say what exactly the improvement would be. Also, it is gradual.So as long as there is some improvement you can have hope. Some children who are autistic may develop a special talent in music or even mathematics. Others may have other interests. It may be better for you to see how best you can help your child, rather than compare him to other children. It is possible that he will become more sociable over the years, when the pressure for him to conform is off. He may also be quieter and more inward than others.