
What are the chances of getting HIV infection via casual oral sex?

Dr LM Nath
Consultant, Community Medicine,
New Delhi

Q: I had recently gone to a Strip club and while fingering her I got blood on my fingers. I even had blood beneath my nails. I washed it after 10 mins. Before that I had done lip to lip kissing. I don't have any cuts or sores on my fingers. Last but not least, when I was washing my hands, I spitted and had blood, quite possibly my own blood as I sometimes bleed when I try too hard to spit. What are my chances of geeting infected and by which route?

A:Your chances of being infected from that one exposure are rather low. Even if you had blood and/or vaginal fluid on your fingers, in the absence of cuts or wounds on your fingers, the chance of infection is low. Lip to lip kissing without exchange of saliva and fluids is also fairly safe. To be absolutely sure you will need to have a HIV test from a reliable laboratory about 3 months after exposure. Please protect yourself and avoid casual unprotected sex.