
What are the benefits of Torchnil tablets?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am 28 years old. I had a miscarriage in the first trimester of my pregnancy two months back, which was due to the slow growth of my fetus. According to the LMP, the growth should have been of nine weeks, whereas it showed only of six weeks. Also, the BHCG report showed that the hormone levels were less than half of what was required at that stage. At that time I was having my Eltroxin (Thyroxine) tablets and Susten tablets. As advised by my doctor I underwent the TORCH test after my first period following the miscarriage. The report showed everything was normal, but still I was advised by my doctor to take Torchnil tablets for three months, two tablets a day. If my reports are normal, then what is the need to take these medications? What are the benefits of Torchnil tablets? Can I conceive while I am taking this medicine?

A:If your blood tests are normal, there is no clinical need to administer any drug, particularly during the first three months. Torchnil is an Ayurvedic product. Its safety and efficacy have not been tested through internationally accepted, scientifically validated clinical trials on animals and humans. Hence, I am unable to give any opinion except to say that many herbal preparations not only have adverse interactions with allopathic medicines but may have unknown side effects. It is also not clear as to why you were prescribed Susten (progesterone). It is to be given only if there is documented, proven deficiency of progesterone in luteal phase leading to infertility. In the United States and many advanced countries, its use during known or suspected pregnancy is prohibited. Its side effects include fetal death, spontaneous abortion, fetal defects like cleft palate, cleft lip, heart defects, etc. Due to aggressive promotion, it is being prescribed in India as if it is a tonic! Apart from Eltroxin (thyroxine), you just need folic acid (sold as Folet) 5 mg daily.