
What are my chances of having a successful pregnancy?

Dr Geeta Chadha
Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 21 years old wife underwent a D&C after miscarriage for partial vesicular mole. The doctor told us that it was a missed abortion as a result of partial vesicular mole. They took week by week blood test for beta HCG. First week result was 49,699 and last week’s result was 39.48. I am confused. Please explain. What are the chances of having a successful pregnancy?

A:It is important to ensure that HCG levels come down to Zero. It is recommended that close follow up be done for a year after that in cases where pregnancy is urgently needed, then six months after the levels touch zero, but only with a go ahead of your doctor. And yes, chance of having a normal pregnancy next time is quite high.