
What are my chances of getting pregnant?

Dr Geeta Chadha
Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 27 years of age and my husband is 31 years old. We are trying for a baby for the last one year but all our efforts seem to have failed. We have consulted the doctor and after many tests, I have been advised to undergo follicular study. I have been taking Fertyl tablet 50mg for the last 5 days from the second day of my period. On the ninth day I underwent sonography. Its results showed that the uterus is antiverted; there is free fluid (FF minimal); and the ET measures 4.6mm. Could you please give me the normal ranges from the ninth day to the eighteenth day so that I can check. Please also tell me what are my chances of pregnancy.

A:Your ultrasound doctor could give you the details and as far as success of the monitoring, well if it doesnt work, then you need to consult the doctor to take it further.