
What are fixed drug eruptions?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have been suffering from a very peculiar problem for a while. Six months back I had some red marks on my lips & penis and a small bump on the left side of my anal opening. I got myself tested for HIV twice and both times the tests were negative (exposure 3 years back). Then again I got myself tested for VDRL which was negative. I had almost all the blood tests done and my reports according to my doctors were perfect except for my cholesterol level which was a bit high. For my skin problem, I visited Agra to see a well known dermotologist who told me that I have Fixed Drugs Eruptions which would go after a year or would never go. My spots on lips and penis are fading but I still have that small bump on my anal opening which pains and grow if I wear tight jeans or when I press it. I get a very strange kind of sensation inside my anal opening as if all the veins are expanding.

A:Once a fixed drug eruption occurs, it will recur whenever the incriminating agent enters your body. During the active phase there will be discomfort; even ulceration can take place. Thereafter hyper pigmentation will follow which will take time to disappear. To my mind persistent bumps should not be there. If so then you have some additional problem which has to be diagnosed and managed accordingly. I suggest you take another opinion, maybe also from a surgeon, for the bump in the anal area. It is possible you have external piles also.