
weight loss in pregnancy

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I am 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My problem is that my weight seems to be decreasing. I started with 64 Kg, and by the 11th week it was 63. Went up to 63.5 in the 13th week, but now it is 61 Kg. At the present moment, I am 3 kilos less than that at the start of the pregnancy. I wanted to check if this indicates any serious problem. My blood results have not come out yet, but the scan at 12th week showed that the baby is of the right size. Could you please advise?

A:Some weight loss is common in the first weeks, especially if you have experienced fair amount of morning sickness. Since the baby appears to be growing appropriately, I would not be overly concerned. This said, I would still encourage you to eat a healthy well balanced diet with extra calories for the baby. If your weight does not start going up in the next few weeks, you may want to consult a nutritionist.