weight gain in child
Consultant & Head, Department of Pediatrics
Jaber Al-Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait
Q: My son who is 2 1/2 yrs old, he has not gained any weight (10 kgs) and height (83 cms) for the last one year. He has iron deficiency also (hb level 8.5). I had got all the tests done (TLC etc.). Everything was found normal. Please advise as to whether I should worry about his growth level - I am always thinking on this only. He does not take proper diet also. We have to push him to eat. Pls advise as to we should give him iron supplements or any tonic for lack of appetite. Please suggest some remedy. Regards,Neelu
A:Your son is underweight and short for his age. He also has anemia most probably due to nutritional deficiencies of iron and folic acid and associated protein energy malnutrition. It is important to investigate for the cause of his anemia and undernutrition and treat the cause. Iron supplements will help if the anemia is due to iron deficiency. With good nutrition and supplements, it should be possible for him to gain weight and height. You may get the help of a nutriti onist to plan his diet so as to give variety and cover deficiencies. If he does not gain height and weight on adequate diet, he will need further investigations to find the cause of his poor weight gain and short stature.