Weight fgain
Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: I am 20 yr old girl weighing 45 kgs(ht-158cms). Of late I have been trying to put on more weight, but I have noticed that I am putting on more weight in my lower half than on my upper half. Why is that so?
A:Our genetic makeup has a lot to do with where you put on weight. There are definitely some lifestyle factors involved as well but our genes will determine how those factors affect us. Try and lead an active life and eat a sensible diet even though you are in the process of putting on weight. In the meantime be realistic of your body and its constitution. Accept yourself if you have a heavier lower body and gain confidence in the fact that you are doing what you can in a healthy manner.