
Want another child ...

Dr S Bhandari
Sr Consultant and Head,
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: After first issue in 1991, when we wanted to have second issue, I have developed following problems, for that reason I did’t get pregnant. I want a second child, what are the treatments I have to take. Please give suggestion/recommendations where I have to check up for next time. 1) I always have painfull periods and in other days also I was having lower abdomen pain.2) There is a problem called ‘Unrupture folical syndrome’ (can you pl kindly explain this clearly) and my only one tube is patent other is blocked.3) Test on my husband also carried out where he found normal.4) Then the doctors suggested me to go for ‘Laproscopy’ after treating with different medicine for about 2 years (during this many times sonography and later on HSG conducted)5) After that they recognized, there is a problem called ‘Endometracis’ for that reason they have given me a capsules of ‘Danogen’ for three months. This medicine stops periods slowly. Why they want to stop periods, is it correct that periods will re-start periods after 3 months. Kindly explain clearly what is the treatment, first why they want to stop periods. How much time will it take to become ready for conceive. Is there any chance that periods may not start again ? I request you to kindly explain me clearly and clarify the doubts/problems.

A:If both your tubes are patent after the laparoscopy you must go in for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with IUI for 4-6 cycles. If you donot get pregnant then u must go in for in vitro fertilization (IVF).