
Urine flow

Dr Ajay Sharma
Senior Consultant,
Department of Urology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My father had CA Prostate at the age of 63I am 39 now. My urine flow is seemingly thin. Extra pressure exerted by me does not result in better trajectory (but does increase the flow a little). I HAVE NO OTHER SYMPTOMS OR PROBLEMS. 1) Is it psychological 2) Instead of subjecting my self to a physical examination (which every one avoids), can u suggest aHOME BASED test wherein say in 10 secs or 20 secs of full bladder, a particular volume of output shd be filled ? This will help Millions world wideregards

A:At your age prostatic cancer does not occur, miracles apart. Your thinning of urine stream is not psychological and it may happen in people with high anxiety. Besides this there are other causes like ch.prostatitis etc which you should not bother about. Regarding the test you are talking about, there is a computerised test which as easy as passing urine - i.e. you have to pass urine in a comode which is connected to a computer which can read flow parameters better than stopwatch. This is called uroflowmetery. Ask some doctor or in some bigger hospital or nursing home or a urologist.In any case it is treatable.You can try alphablockers, get it prescribed by any urologist.