
trying to conceive

Q: I am married women age 29 yrs. My husband is 31 yrs old. We are trying for a baby for the past 2 yrs. I went to a Gyneacologist last year who informed me that my hymen was very rigid. She did hymenectomy and biopsy. The report of biopsy was fine. She further suggested to both of us to indulge in the intercourse as frequently as possible and to use KY lubricating jelly during that time so that the vagina relaxes and looses a bit. We are trying for past 1 yr. I also went through thyroid test and ultrasound of reproductive parts. Both came out normal. My husband also went for semen test which was normal.Kindly guide what can be the problem and what alternative we have to have a baby.

A:First and foremost do not worry. You need to be tested more scientifically as to why you are not conceiving. We need to know whether you are ovulating i.e you are releasing the egg from the ovary monthlyand your tubes are patent or not-these are the structures which carry your eggto meet the sperm. Having intercourse from the 12 to 18 day of your monthly cycle counting day 1 as the first day of your periods increases the chance of conception as that is the time the monthly release of egg takes place. Visit a good gynaecologist who has a set up for testing you-diagnostic laproscopy with tube test and repeat semen analysis from a reputed lab