Triglycerides - drug
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Q: Triglycerides is very high. Which medicine is very much effective to normalize the same.
A:You have not given (a) serum triglyceride level and (b) information on weight, height, if diabetic, alcohol intake and if consuming other medicines such as beta-blockers (atenolol, propranolol or any other agent ending with nolol ) or diuretics (c) total cholesterol level and history of any other illness such as gall stones. Such information would have helped us to give a definitve reply. Whatever may be the case it is important to reduce triglyceride levels to near normal. The following line of treatment is usually adopted:1. If cholesterol is normal, try diet + excercise for six months and correct secondary causes if present such as poorly controlled diabetes, change of medicine (i.e. betablockers, diuretics etc.). 2. If cholesterol is also high, drug treatment is normally necessary in addition to diet control + exercise. The first line treatment is one of the bifrates preferably bezafibrate (brand name: Bezalip Retard 400mg; one tablet daily after breakfast or after dinner daily) or alternatively gemfibrozil (brand names: Lipizyl 300mg or Lopid 300mg: dose two capsules twice daily 30 minutes before meals). You will need to take these medicines for several months measuring 12-hour fasting triglyceride levels once every three months till they reach near normal levels.