
Throat pain

Dr Aru Handa
Senior Consultant,
Moolchand Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I was a regular smoker for the last 6 years smoking 4 to 5 cigarettes a day. One & half months back I gave up this habit. After this I had pinching chest & throat pain in lower throat. Chest pain subsided by itself after a week or 2 but throat pain remained. On consulting with an ENT specialist, I was told of suffering from Chronic pharyngitis. The doctor treated me with Clarithromycin / Phexin, Antacids & some pain killer. When there was no relief, I changed the doctor. The second doctor viewed my throat with the help of a camera fitted in a small pipe. He then treated me with Allegra, pain killers & antacids. Again there was no sign of relief. He then asked for an ECG - the report discribed some little problem in PRWP which was very minute & could not be specified. He then suggested to go for some 2-D ECHO test, after this I went to one of the famous hospitals in Pune where an ENT specialist again inspected my throat & said that this all is because of acidity problem. He prescribed me Domstal, Ranitidine & one gel along with some pain killer. He then suggested for an endoscopy / laryngoscopy to clear all my fears. This report was normal except for some congestion in the area near voice box (I dont have any voice related problem) - this congestion he described as congestion in artenoid / arypiglotts. This congestion he said will go by itself. He suggested to continue with his earlier prescriptions (Domstal, Ranitidine & one gel along with some pain killer). Now frequancy of the pain is not that much, but it does occur twice or thrice a day. Now my questions are:
1) What should I do to feel better?
2) Is this problem of congestion in artenoid / aryepiglottis serious?
3) What more tests I should undergo to confirm that everything is allright as sometime the intensity of the pain is much (only on the right side of lower throat)?

A:If thorough ENT examination shows nothing but congestion of epiglottis and arytenoid you continue the treatment given to you by the Pune doctor without the pain killers. If acidity is the cause you should expect relief in 4-8 wks. Along with that avoid stress, prolonged fasting, spicy food and tea and coffee on empty stomach. You should not lie down for at least 2-3 hrs after meals. Regular ENT checkup is a must till the congestion subsides. No further tests are required if you are showing response to the treatment without the pain killers.